I have been helped by countless other creatives and authors along my journey. So anything I can do to pay that help forward, I do. That's why as much as possible I try to keep a host of free resources here for folks to learn from. Some of these are workshops I have given I have given at conventions, a few are panels I have been on or moderated, and others are blog posts on specific topics I think may be valuable to people. You should also check out my page on Transparency, where I provide links to all my blog posts that break down my monthly sales, social growth, success tracking, book launches, and convention recaps.
Take what you like, share it around, make it work for you. And never hesitate to reach out and ask me a question. That's what the contact box is for!
Bob made a video version of his popular workshop about diversifying your revenue as a creative. Grab the PowerPoint below!
Bob gave this presentation at the Alabama Writers Workshop and the Atlanta Writers Workshop, so now you get to enjoy it for free! Using actual examples from his career, he shows you how to market your books without paying money, all organically.
This is a recording I made of the workshop I presented at the Atlanta Self Publishing Conference. Title says it all.
Bob presented this workshop "So You Want To Write A Book..." on tips and tricks to finishing that first novel! This is essentially the part 1 to his other workshop "I've Written A Book, Now What?"
Bob presented this workshop "I've Written A Book, Now What?" on what you should be doing once you finish writing that first book! This is essentially the part 2 to his other workshop "So You Want To Write A Book..."
Bob breaks down the history of his table at events, from the early days until now. He talks about why he has added (or removed) things from his setup, with the logic and results behind it. If you want to level up your table at events, learn what to do and what not to do!
Organic Marketing For Authors 2.0 (pdf)
DownloadOrganic Marketing for Authors - Handout (pdf)
DownloadWhat You Need To Know About AI As An (pdf)
DownloadPodcasting 101 (pdf)
DownloadEarning Beyond Royalties (pdf)
DownloadI’ve Written A Book…Now What? (pdf)
DownloadSo You Want To Write A Book! (pdf)
DownloadBob’s Guide to Elevator Pitches! (pdf)
DownloadBob's Guide To Useful Software For Creatives
Bob's Guide to Infrastructure Basics!
Bob's Guide To Selling At Your First In Person Event!
Bob's Guide to Author Newsletters - A Quick And Dirty Jumpstart!
Bob's Guide Using Freelancing to Build the Self- Publishing Fund!
Bob's Guide to How I Get Into Conventions!
Bob's Guide To Elevator Pitches
The picture here? The one with the guy with incredible, jealousy inducing hair, and even more jealousy inducing book covers standing beside me? That's Alexander Nader, and this was his first event doing in person sales (it was Chattacon, if you are curious how it went in detail, read HERE).
Alex and I have been friends for a couple of years now, and when I saw I was doing an event somewhat near him in Tennessee I reached out to see if he would want to share a table with me. He was all in, but made it clear he was going to have some questions ahead of time. I made it clear that I would absolutely love to answer his questions. He asked me stuff like how many books to order, what he needed to bring, that sort of stuff. We then spent a weekend hanging out and slinging books.
I followed up a couple weeks after, and asked if he thought he'd be doing anymore in person events. He rattled off a list of things he had/was applying to be in. My fat little heart grew three times that day.
Are you like Alex was? An author/creative who has never done in person sales before, but want to? Or maybe you've done it on a small scale, but aren't sure how to take it to the next level? I would LOVE to help!
If you would like to come shadow me for a weekend, be my intern as it were, I would be happy to show you the ropes. Just look at my upcoming events. Is there one near enough to you that you could easily come out? Then just shoot me a message on social media, or on my contact form on this site. We'll coordinate the details, and then you can come learn from the...well not the best. The mid? The pretty decent?
Look, this is free, moderate expectations.
If you think you are ready to actually sell in person, got your table laid out and such, then this offer isn't really for you. In that case, just see if I am looking to share a booth, or if I know someone who is, and we will get you set up if possible. This offer is for folks who are just starting to dip their toes in the water as it were. I'm happy to help drown you.
What you will learn things like:
- How to lure people to your booth without being super annoying.
- Why I set things on the table the way that I do.
- What mistakes I have made, and how I fixed them.
- Why coke zero tastes better than diet coke.
- General best practices around selling in person.
- You can also pick my brain about anything really. You have a captive audience, as long as I am not in the middle of a sale, you can ask me anything.
Things to consider before messaging me:
- If this is an event with an entry fee, you will have to cover that for yourself (unless my booth has a spare badge I can let you use (which is not often)). Same goes for parking. Unless we are able to coordinate riding together in some way. Spoiler: I kinda hate coordinating ride sharing when I am trying to get to/get set up at a con.
- I can't cover any sort of food or lodging. I mean, I will ensure you are properly hydrated, but food at these events is expensive, and margins are tight.
- Are you a student of some sort? Or someone for whom a letter of recommendation as an 'intern' would help? If you help out, I will write you one, no problem.
- I'm not going to make you work hard. If you are there and want to help load in/set up, cool. If not, the rest of this 'job' is standing around talking to folks. It's not super taxing physically, so long as you are good with standing for a few hours. Feel free to bring a chair if not.
- You will probably be left to watch the booth while I run to the bathroom/a panel at some point. Unless I know you really well, you won't be handling money during those times, unless Ben or someone is around and you are cool with it. You may end up making a food run to whatever food source they have on site. That's about it.
- If I am sharing a booth space with another author(s), I will get their permission before I agree to let you come hang. They may work you harder than me. Ben likes his steak medium, with a nice house made aioli. Venessa likes her tea served at precisely 143 degrees. Paige is going to pistol whip the next intern who brings her coffee without a splash of vanilla cream.
- I kid of course. We're authors: we're all pretty easy (like your mom.)
- A sense of humor is required. You don't have to have one yourself, but you have to be ok with us having one. And be ready for all manner of bad/great puns.
- You aren't locked into hanging at the booth. Go check out other stuff, have fun, go to panels. Treat my table as a home base where you can ask a million questions, but you don't have to stay there. I'm not your parent.
- I want this to be accessible to as many folks as possible. If you have a financial hardship that the above would absolutely preclude you from taking part, reach out, maybe we can work something out. Same goes for if you have a disability, visible or not. Just loop me in as much as I need to be, and I will work with you.
So yeah, there it is, my offer to you! Come hang, and lets get you started down the path to in person sales!
"This was my second ever con and I had an absolute blast hanging out with Ben (Meeks) and Bob for the weekend. As someone who had largely stuck to online sales until recently, sharing space with other authors who knew what they were doing took a lot of the pressure off. Ben has all the confidence I aspire to, and he knows how to engage with people and get them to the booth to begin with. Both of these guys are masters of the short pitch. It's hard to beat "a redneck wizard with a crippling meth addiction". That line always got a response. While this isn't the fun part, Bob is also incredibly knowledgeable when it comes to the business portion of things, including taxes. No one likes taxes, but he cleared up for me in ten minutes what multiple calls to state offices hadn't gotten answered. It's not the most interesting part of being an author, but at least now I know how to get my tax paperwork together and avoid angering the IRS. These two, along with the other authors at the con, were friendly and welcoming. I'd absolutely share a space with either of them again. That may also be because I'm not quite ready to do a solo booth yet!" - Author Silas Reames
AI is taking the world by storm with ChatGPT creating ‘creative’ output. Is there a dystopian future ahead for artists? What about copyright and plagiarism? This panel explores the issues of AI in content creation and the positives and negatives of its usage that impact voice artists, podcasters, artists, and writers.
Got a book? GREAT! Here's a panel about things authors need to consider before podcasting.
If you want a podcast to listen to about the craft of writing, I recommend Writing Excuses. 15 minute episodes featuring Brandon Sanderson, Mary Robinette Kowal, Dan Wells, and Howard Taylor as hosts. Just remember to take it in small doses, or it will overwhelm you. Maybe just do a couple episodes a week. You can listen wherever you get your podcasts. Or check out the website HERE.
Most facebook groups, espcially author based ones, are rarely worth the time. As such I can only recommend one group if you want to be a writer, The Writers' Troupe. Its a mix of authors, published and not, with lots of activities like weekly write-ins. Very welcoming to new people. You can check it out HERE.
One common theme you will see across all (but one) of these is that none of them are software that require a monthly fee. Each of them you buy it once, and you own it. This is why you won’t see programs like Adobe or Word on this list. So here is my list of the software I have learned to use to do…whatever I need to do. I am listing them in the order in which I started using them regularly enough to say I am at least somewhat proficient with them:
I use this in place of the Microsoft Office suite of products. As an added bonus, it's hosted in the cloud, so wherever I am I can access it. This means my laptop, my phone, a desktop at a friends, wherever. I can pick up and write anywhere in the world, as well as track information in sheets, like my monthly recaps. This is free software.
Obviously I pay a recurring fee for this. Also, this isn’t really a bit of software. I include it to show that this is what I do to build my websites. They provide a website builder as part of the fee, and this means I can make changes on my own, as many times as I want, without having to go through a webmaster/web designer. Honestly, if you plan to have more than one website (like me) I do not recommend GoDaddy. But if you have plans for only one site, it's great. Slightly pricey, but I think it’s worth the expense. Check it out HERE.
Audacity is an open source audio editing software. Whenever I record a podcast I take the MP# file and drop it into Audacity to adjust the overall volume levels, add in the intro and outro, that sort of thing. You can also use Audacity to make recordings, and if you are doing a solo podcast, it’s actually great for that. It just runs into some issues I have found when you try to use multiple microphones and the like. That may have changed over time, but I’ve moved on now for that use case. This is free software. Check it out HERE.
Affinity Designer is a direct competitor to Adobe Illustrator. And you know what? You don’t have to pay each month to use it. I use it to make all of my promo images, and my book covers. It’s a really powerful tool, that honestly I only use a fraction of its capabilities (because I haven’t as yet had to use them). There are tooooons of youtube videos that will teach you all manner of niche use cases. I got this (and the two companion products Publisher and Photo) for 25 bucks each during covid. When they released the second edition of it, I was able to get them all for 25 each again. Check it out HERE.
Remember how I said I moved on from Audacity for recording? I used Protools for a bit, then shifted to zoom. But Protools was expensive (I was using a free version that I refused to upgrade), and zoom had a monthly fee (to record longer than 45 minutes which most of the time I am). So I finally took the plunge of learning OBS…which was actually a lot easier than when I tried to do so years ago. You can use it for livestreaming, recording livestreams, and recording…pretty much anything. This is how I record things like Books, Beards, Booze and my workshops. This is free software. Check it out HERE.
I have had Publisher as long as I have had Designer, but I only recently (2024) started actively using it. It’s book layout software. And I will be honest, it's a bit more complicated than I would like for just laying out a normal book. Powerful, but that power comes at a cost, and that’s total ease of use. But I am loving it for Zine layouts! Zines are more complex to layout, so they really need that power. Check it out HERE.
Atticus however is about as intuitive as you could ever want when it comes to book layouts. This is what I am using for all my book layouts now. Upload your edited file, and it will probably go ahead and split into chapters for you, build out your table of contents, etc. You can drop in your back matter with the click of a button, automatically generate your copyright, and have it laid out for pretty much any print of digital format you could dream of. I got it on sale for Black Friday 2023. Check it out HERE.
My latest acquisition, this is a powerful editing software. For my fiction novels I am still hiring editors. But for little zines, free content, things like that, I am using ProWritingAid. I don’t hire editors for that type of work already, so this acts as a set of eyes that aren’t as good as an actual editor, but better than my eyes. I got it on sale for Black Friday 2023. Check it out HERE.
I happily throw up all this education content for free, and I hope it is all the help you need. But you may find yourself with a question or two. If that's the case, just shoot me a message and I will be happy to answer you. But you may have a LOT of questions. And let's be real, swapping emails back and forth may not be the most efficient method of getting you the help you need. So for folks like that, your solution is to track me down at a convention and buy me a beer, or....hire me!
I charge 50 dollars an hour, with a two hour minimum. They don't have to be consecutive hours, or even held in hours. We can do 30 minute a week check ins if you like, or hit all two hours at once. And you can of course book more than two hours. Book an hour a quarter, and I will give you advice over the long term! Please note that unless you are really local to me (Montgomery), these meetings will be held virtually.
The areas I am strongest on, and would be helpful with are:
If you have a strong need for any of the following, you would likely be better off getting help elsewhere:
Then ask! I will honestly answer you if I think I would be able to assist you with the needed topic.
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