How do I pick the books for the lists? Generally, I try to either pick books I know are good (either from reviews or personal experience), or in some rare cases I have to take the only game in town. Sometimes I pick a lesser known author over a better known, because I think they deserve the love. Sometimes I pick the best known author, because I hope it will boost others who are less known that are on the list. I try to treat self, indie, and trad published authors the same, because all deserve some love.
Most of them are going to be traditional style Urban Fantasy. But I do try to mix in a little something for everyone. There are a few books aimed more at children. There are a few PNR. Some stuff that might be better called Contemporary Fantasy perhaps. But if you enjoy UF, then the vast bulk should be right up your alley, if not all of it. The reason I provide links to Amazon, and not elsewhere, is twofold: every has their books on there (but maybe not other places) and I have an affiliate link for Amazon. Over time each list will be getting its own blog post, with more information, linked right below the list. This has started to roll out, but is not yet complete.
Also towards the bottom is the Master List, a work in progress where every item that shows up on one of my lists will eventually be included, with more information. If you are a reader or author who would like to see books or series added to this list, use the form directly beneath the master list to submit your suggestions.
Why do I do this? Because I love books, love talking about books, and most importantly, want to sell you my books haha!
Already read the book for a given state? Maybe it doesn't interest you? Then go check out the MASSIVE LIST OF URBAN FANTASY BY STATE. I put all the books I know the state they are set in in a large list, in order to give you more options. You can find it by clicking HERE.
Below are a ton of great smaller lists, for when you are on the hunt for a specific niche. Be it books set in a certain city/state/country, or certain types of themes or magic, I try to have a little something for everyone. Each least will usually feature at minimum 8 books on it.
See a blog post with descriptions HERE.
See a blog post with descriptions HERE.
See a blog post with descriptions HERE.
See a blog post with descriptions HERE.
See a blog post with descriptions HERE.
See a blog post with descriptions HERE.
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See a blog post with descriptions HERE.
See a blog post with descriptions HERE.
See a blog post with descriptions HERE.
See a blog post with descriptions HERE.
See a blog post with descriptions HERE.
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